Read about a unique build on the Long Island Sound that combined a vanishing edge with perimeter overflow - and dual acrylic panels.
Read More2018: A Recap /
2018 brought many changes and challenges. Read on to find out what our team was up to this past year.
Read MoreARTICLE: Working at Water's Edge /
Read how pool construction at the water’s edge differs from traditional pool construction, including specific considerations that must be made.
Read MoreARTICLE: Recreating a Masterpiece: A Successful Marriage of Cast-in-Place and Shotcrete /
Read about the 2017 American Shotcrete Association’s Outstanding Pool & Recreational Project, which drew inspiration from one of Frank Lloyd’s Wright’s most famous architectural masterpieces.
Read MoreARTICLE: In Pursuit of Art /
In 2008, William Drakeley was at a crossroads and saw this big, uniquely challenging project as a way to separate himself from the crowd. It was a bit more than he bargained for, but he persisted -- and knows that making it all work changed the regional perception of his business.
Read MoreARTICLE: Shotcrete Shock /
If you’re part of the in-ground pool industry, then you’re either using shotcrete or you’ve heard of it. However, the consensus is that many pool contractors aren’t up to date on shotcrete processes.
Read MoreFEATURED: Waterfront Weekend Retreat /
In 2013, Drakeley Pool Company was contracted by Artemis Landscape Architects to construct a double vanishing edge pool and vanishing edge spa for a Fairfield Beach home, situated directly on the Long Island Sound. Read about the full project, including completely reworked and renovated home and surrounding landscape
Read MoreARTICLE: A Jewel in the Woods /
Working with a property owner who insists on an unconventional approach to a project can be a challenge. But it definitely helps, reports William Drakeley, when that client is also open-minded, imaginative and absolutely set on achieving brilliant, gem-like results. Read about custom Lautner-edge glass tile pool/spa combination project we completed in 2015.
Read MoreBill Drakeley Attends 2017 Arthur Ross Awards /
The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art held their 2017 Arthur Ross Awards at the University Club of New York on May 1st. The Awards were established in 1982 to recognize and celebrate excellence in the classical architectural tradition.
The Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA) has recently named its winners in the 2016 Outstanding Achievement Awards - Builders Competition. In the Specialty Pools category, Drakeley Pool Company has been awarded Gold for their outstanding design of a perimeter overflow and an all-tiled pool. In additional to these two Gold Awards, DPC also snagged the Gold Award for Exceptional Recognition in Design and Building.
Improved air quality for its swimmers is what the Ethel Walker School was looking for. Drakeley Pool Company delivered.
Read MoreGenesis 3 Celebrates Bill Drakeley in their Magnificence of SWD Masters Series /
Learn how Bill Drakeley got started in the pool industry and why he is so passionate about what he does in Genesis 3's Magnificence of SWD Masters Series.
Read MoreFEATURED: Luxury and Drakeley - What's In for the Fall /
As we make our way into the fall, the Drakeley construction crews are busier than ever. The dry spells have allowed our craftsmen to continue custom installation for clients who want the majority of the 'heavy lifting' done while their outdoor spaces are not in use. Smart people!
Also delighted to announce that Drakeley Pool Company was featured in Luxury Pools' Fall/Winter 2016 Edition.
Read the article and check out shots of new projects here
ARTICLE: A Swimming Pool for the Health Conscious /
Your water should be as healthy as you are.
Read MoreFROM THE FIELD: Drakeley oversees shotcrete test panels /
Drakeley Pool Company principal Bill Drakeley pictured with shotcrete equipment.
Luxury pool building meets heavy construction. Shotcrete is the link.
ARTICLE: Dry mix vs. wet mix? Drakeley weighs in. /
Drakeley Pool Company principal Bill Drakeley contributes to an industry-wide discussion on the merits and uses of wet-mix shotcrete vs. dry mix shotcrete.
Read MoreARTICLE: Bill Drakeley quoted on the use of fiber-reinforcement in shotcrete /
Drakeley Pool Company principal Bill Drakeley was quoted in an extensive article examining the use of fiber reinforcement in shotcrete applications.
Read MoreDrakeley Pool company talks high-end pool design /
Drakeley VP Lily Samuels talks high-end pool design and sharing a client's vision.
Read MoreARTICLE: Bill Drakeley sets the record straight on pool concrete construction /
Cracked pools are avoidable. Bill Drakeley tells you why and how.
Read MoreFEATURED: DPC Historic Calder Restoration in Architectural Digest /
Restoration of the modern masterpiece is noted in Architectural Digest.
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